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For details, please refer to Fig. 4. Open in a separate window Dynamics of the neoglottis in the 3 fundamental functions. The. Previous studies showed that TRAF6 promotes the development of mTECs expressing AIRE and TSAs, thereby suppressing autoimmunity ( 86 ). Open in a separate window Figure 1 Number ( n ) of patients invited, treated and evaluated. 2.2. Randomisation and Blinding A coordinating nurse at each hospital randomised the included patients to verum or sham acupuncture—without being told which (blinded)—by drawing “lots” from an opaque envelope where allocation came from a random table. Li M, Yao WY, Li ZB (2005) Progress of the Effect of Grassland and Vegetation in search Conserving soil and water on Loess Plateau. Champion S, Lapidus N, Cherie G, Spagnoli V, Oliary J, Solal AC. Most of the participants (87%) regarded their own health good or excellent.
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