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Our findings clearly oppose a simple associative learning model that assumes that language-induced motor activation results as a consequence of the learning-dependent neural coupling between the perisylvian language areas and the motor areas. Elastic bands of 0.5 mm thickness were inserted between the first and second upper molars of the wild-type mice and littermates homozygous for periostin gene depletion and left there for 3 days. Open in a separate window Figure 3 Distribution of time from symptom onset to death for the cases of pandemic influenza in Sydney 1919 (after Armstrong 1920 ). The eradication of Anopheles gambiae from Upper Egypt 1942-1945. One drink of alcohol was standardised as 10-12 g of ethanol.
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Arachidonic acid intake may be inversely related to eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis. References 1. Rossouw JE, Anderson GL, Prentice RL, LaCroix AZ, Kooperberg C, et al. Data was measured in two batches and genes are corrected against reference genes measured in the same batch. The absolute risk increase was small (over 5 years of follow-up, 1.2% of participants on placebo developed diabetes and 1.5% on rosuvastatin) ( 291 ). Fig 9 Cumulative pairwise distribution curves for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.

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While DomPep compares favorably in identifying PDZ- or SH2-binding ligands to existing algorithms, it should be cautioned that a few limitations may affect the performance of DomPep models. Radiographs showed that the femoral component had now turned to a varus position.

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