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Open in a separate window Figure 6 AVCP-dioxane complex structure showing the dioxane binding pocket and the position of Pro405 from cdE2. ( A ) Hydrophobic pocket showing a bound dioxane molecule on the surface of AVCP crystal structure with 2 F. The package contained a questionnaire designed to assess information on the pet bird owners’ professional and nonprofessional activities, smoking habits, general health status, use of medication, allergies, clinical signs specifically related to psittacosis; on the birds’ origin, housing, feeding, breeding, health status, and medication; and on the presence of other bird species. For methodological characteristics of the linear regression analysis, see the respective subsection of the “Results” section. Figure 4 Open in a separate window ARG1 and ARG2 are metabolically active.

Articles from PLoS ONE are provided here courtesy of Public Library of Science References 1. Central Tuberculosis Division.