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Open in a separate window Figure 2 Differential Scanning Calorimetry curves of virgin PHB films and P(HB- co -8HV) films (black line) and films containing 10% DCOI (grey line) in the second post annealed heating (a,c) and cooling (b,d) runs respectively.Degradation and the effect of DCOI loading After soil burial trials, both the PHB and P(HB- co -8HV) films showed negligible weight loss during the first 16 days of environmental exposure, after which they lost weight at an approximately liimpending rate of 0.75% per day ( Figure 3 ). Feldman C, Anderson R (2011) Bacteraemic pneumococcal pneumonia: current therapeutic options. Drugs. One possible concern with using the best P is whether it is from a random association or not.

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