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The SNP markers included in the cherry 6K Illumina arrays are available for download in Excel format and viewable in GBrowse at the Genome Database for Rosaceae (GDR; ). Order of active and sham stimulation conditions was randomised between subjects. However, with this approach we could not determine whether in respect to the Rab machinery the composition of endosomes changes as transferrin flows through or whether cargo is transported between endosomes with a stable composition. Fernandes-Alnemri T, Takahashi A, Amstrong R, Krebs J, Fritz L, Tomaselli KJ, Wang L, Yu Z, Croce CM, Salveson G, et al. Age was grouped into four categories; residency was grouped into urban and rural; and educational status was grouped as 'no formal education', 'elementary' for grades 1 to 6, and 'high school and above' for education longer than 6 years.

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