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Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank L. Jerabek for laboratory management, R. Sherwood and Dr. T. Serwold for their assistance in FACS analysis, Dr. Y. Imai for the gift of Iba1 antibody, Dr. J. Mulholland for helpful discussions, and the Stanford University Medical Center Cell Science Imaging Facility. The fluorescence intensity of full-length Rmnd5a was lower than the other proteins, probable due to its lower protein levels ( Figure S3 ). IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 3. This preference seems to be independent of ligand properties such as the number of rotatable bonds because there is no correlation between the mwRMSD obtained with the NMA monitor (M1 column of Table 1 ) and the number of rotatable bonds for the 100 ligands under study ( Figure 4 ).

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