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About 100 mg of oil sample was dissolved in 25 mL of 1-butanol. Cooperativeness (CO) is characterized by being tolerant, helpful, empathic, principled, and compassionate. However, no previous studies have focused on the molecular mechanisms of the N-dealkylation reaction of these 4-aminopiperidine drugs. It is also likely that there are ethnic differences with respect to VFA; therefore, inter-ethnic differences need to be studied, and a larger sample should be used. The follow-up rate was 76.6%, 85.3% and 81.0% in Cambodia, Indonesia and Lao PDR, respectively, with an average follow-up rate of 81.2%. Parasitological, anthropometric and oral health parameters of the dropout children were similar to those children who were followed-up.All schools in Indonesia were located in urban areas; Cambodia and Lao PDR also included schools in rural provinces.