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Open in a separate window Figure 4 Antinuclear antibodies in the group of patients treated with adalimumab The antibodies against soluble antigens: anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-Scl70, anti-Jo1, anti-uRNP, anti-Sm were not found in any patients. ACCESS Access to EM structural data and related services is through the web site ( Table 1 ). It was concluded that by changing the operating pressure, the flow rates in different channels could be tuned within a reasonable range.It should be noted that, during the PBS washing step no electrical potential was applied to avoid any potential corrosion of the electrode. Distinct clinical features characterize each of the JIA categories during the first 6 months of the disease. A combination of the pure elements, Nb powder (CERAC 99.8%), V powder (CERAC 99.5%), P powder (CERAC 99.95%) and S powder (Aldrich 99.999%) were mixed in a fused-silica tube in an Nb:V:P:S molar ratio of 1:1:1:10 with KCl.
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