How can we help?

QFAQ / How do I request remote support?expand_more
A For remote support inquiries, please contact us at +82-70-7585-6490.
Please download and run Remote Support located under the Service Information menu.

Remote service: Assistance with the installation and troubleshooting of software provided by our company. (BM Central, BMS Plus, FC Central, etc.)
QVeterinary monitor / BM VET Elite series / The date and time are not saved.expand_more
A Our monitors are equipped with a built-in coin battery that keeps the date and time running even after it is turned off.
Users can set and save the desired date and time on the monitor.
→ If the following issues occur after setting the date and time, and then turning the monitor on again, please contact our customer support team. (a built-in battery replacement may be required)
① The date and time are not saved.
② The date and time do not advance to the next day.
QVeterinary monitor / BM VET Elite series / How can I change the language?expand_more
A Gear icon → Setup → System Information → Language
QVeterinary monitor / BM VET Elite series / How can I reset the device?expand_more
A Gear icon → Maker Service → Factory Reset

Manufacturer Service default password: DD/MM
(The date displayed at the top right corner of the device.)
(Example: October 7th / Password: 0710)
QVeterinary monitor / BM VET Elite series / The touch function is not working properly.expand_more
A Gear icon → Screen Calibration → Touch all the cross marks on the screen
If the problem persists after calibration, please request assistance from the customer support team.

(If the touch screen is unresponsive, please use the dial key to perform the touch calibration.)
QVeterinary monitor / BM VET Elite series / What is the default user password?expand_more
A Initial user password: 2222
This password is required for system settings or alarm settings.